1-page leaflet for Aarhus-2019 workshop


We have prepared a 1‑page leaflet for the Aarhus‑2019 Openmod Workshop. You can find the document in pdf format attached. I have also copied the main text below so that you can edit it if you want to use a modified leaflet.

1-page flyer_OpenMod Workshop Aarhus.pdf (362.7 KB)

Do you work with energy data and modelling ?

Are you interested in increasing openness in this field?

Join the 9th Open Energy Modelling Workshop !


22-24 May 2019 • Aarhus University

The Openmod Workshop provides a forum for modellers to come together and discuss how to further the use of open data and open software tools in the energy modelling community. Topics range from exchanges about specific types of data (e.g. sources for open data on building stocks or distribution networks) to advocacy and outreach.

Most of the time, participants work in groups on do‑a‑thons addressing specific topics. Moreover, scientific results from research are presented in poster sessions.

Join the forum and suggest and help develop ideas for the workshop sessions you would like to see.

Registration will open on March 1st 2019 . Don’t miss the date and keep informed via:


Hi @marta.victoria and all,

@timk and I would propose to have a do-a-thon session on Julia and energy modeling. We suppose @tom_brown and others might also be interested here.

The aim and scope of the session would be to have an exchange on existing modeling works in Julia and to align further plans within a “Julia Energy” group: what plans for open mods are in place, could there be collaborations, can we come up with a common data framework, what interfaces between models could be implemented, etc. Feel free to add further topics that should be adressed!



I would also like to suggest a do-athon for PowerDynamics.jl
Since the framework is pretty much set I would like to invite dynamic grid modellers for suggestion of improvement and form break-out-groups for specific topics that seem most relevant or doable in the do-a-thon format. I am not sure what is the current status of do-a-thon collections. @marta.victoria, is there any progress here? I did not find anything searching for the forum but maybe I missed something.

Hello Sabine,

That’s a very nice proposal! I will be the coordinator for do-a-thons and lightning talks at the Aarhus workshop. We will open a new thread for do-a-thon proposals very soon. :slight_smile:

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Hi Sabine,

@Hailiang_Liu just posted the call for do-a-thons. Feel free to discuss the details on how to organize the do-a-thon with others through the forum. We will make sure of getting a room and time slot for you. If you think that you might need two time-slots for discussion on a particular topic, please, let us know so that we consider that when scheduling the different topics.

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