Please help me fix this simple OEMOF Model and make it work

Hi all!

Complete novice at OEMOF here. I’m trying to create a capacity optimization OEMOF model to decide the PV and storage capacities for a given demand and PV-production time-series.

I do not have my own time-series and therefore, took the CSV files of one of the examples and deleted all the other columns except electricity demand and PV production data columns.

I’m also trying to simulate the grid by assigning costs to shortage source and negative cost to excess sink (which I assume, would be feed-in-tariff).

I pasted the code below. I took some code snippets directly from the OEMOF examples. When I run the script, it results in an error:

ERROR-Optimization failed with status warning and terminal condition unbounded

Please help me make this model work through your suggests and comments.
Thanks a bunch!

# import necessary libraries

import logging
import oemof
import pandas as pd

from oemof.solph import (Sink, Source, Bus, Flow, EnergySystem, Investment, Model)
from oemof.solph.components import GenericStorage
from oemof.outputlib import processing, views
import pprint as pp

from import economics'oemof example.log', screen_level=logging.INFO, file_level=logging.DEBUG)

# Creating the energy system

date_time_index = pd.date_range('1/1/2018', periods=24 * 365, freq='H')

es = EnergySystem(timeindex=date_time_index)

filename = 'data_timeseries.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=",")'Energy system created and initialized')

# Creating the necessary buses

elbus = Bus(label='mainbus')
elbus2 = Bus(label='pvtobatbus')'Necessary buses for the system created')

# Now creating the necessary components for the system

epc_pv = economics.annuity(capex=1000, n=20, wacc=0.05)
epc_storage = economics.annuity(capex=1000, n=20, wacc=0.05)

pv = Source(label='pv', outputs={elbus2: Flow(actual_value=data['pv'], nominal_value=None,
                                              fixed=True, investment=Investment(ep_costs=epc_pv))})

demand_el = Sink(label='demand_el', inputs={elbus: Flow(nominal_value=1, actual_value=data['demand_el'], fixed=False)})
excess_el = Sink(label='excess_el', inputs={elbus: Flow(variable_costs=-1e2)})
shortage_el = Source(label='shortage_el', outputs={elbus: Flow(variable_costs=1e6)})

el_storage = GenericStorage(label='el_storage',
                            inputs={elbus2: Flow(variable_costs=0.0001)},
                            outputs={elbus: Flow()},
                            invest_relation_input_capacity=1 / 6,
                            invest_relation_output_capacity=1 / 6,

# Adding all the components to the energy system

es.add(excess_el, demand_el, el_storage, pv, shortage_el, elbus, elbus2)

# Create the model for optimization and run the optimization

opt_model = Model(es)
opt_model.solve(solver='cbc')'Optimization successful')

# Collect and plot the results

results = processing.results(opt_model)

custom_storage = views.node(results, 'el_storage')
electricity_bus = views.node(results, 'mainbus')

meta_results = processing.meta_results(opt_model)

my_results = electricity_bus['scalars']

# installed capacity of storage in MWh
my_results['storage_invest_MWh'] = (results[(el_storage, None)]
                                    ['scalars']['invest'] / 1e3)

# installed capacity of PV power plant in MW
my_results['PV_invest_MW'] = (results[(pv, elbus2)]
                              ['scalars']['invest'] / 1e3)


Why do you have fixed=False in the demand Sink? This might be the reason.